Thanks for reporting this.
Indeed, we have to make the meta-model rules work again. I will see if I can refresh them
in the context of the OnMoose report (this is in the Arki project).
On 26 Apr 2011, at 13:38, Fabrizio Perin wrote:
Hi Doru,
I was looking with Raffael to the definition of the meta model i we might find an
You define:
<MSEProperty: #parentModule type: #FAMIXModule opposite: #globalVariables>
<MSEComment: 'Module (typically a file) defining the global variable.'>
^ self privateState
attributeAt: #parentModule
ifAbsentPut: [ nil ]
But the opposite globalVariable is not define in FAMIXModule but into FAMIXScopingEntity.
So either the pragmas in FAMIXGlobalVariable>>>parentModule became like this:
<MSEProperty: #parentModule type: #FAMIXScopingEntity opposite: #globalVariables>
<MSEComment: 'Module (typically a file) defining the global variable.'>
(In this case the property should be called parentScope not parentModule)
or you move to FAMIXModule
<MSEProperty: #globalVariables type: #FAMIXGlobalVariable opposite: #parentScope>
<multivalued> <derived>
<MSEComment: 'Global variables defined in the scope, if any.'>
I would go for the first.
Fabrizio and Raffael
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