I have a Smalltalk code with meta description (metamodel* methods). My
goal is to get the meta model associated to the code.
the problem: In my code, for each Class, only the attributes and the
operations are meta-described (thanks to the class methods :
metamodelAttribute1, metamodelOperation1 and so on....). But I have not
found the way to obtain the EMOF Class that describes my class.
Is it possible to get a repository that contains all Emof entities that
correspond to the elements of my smalltalk code?
Today, I tried to do this with FAMIXModel. e.g, I called the class
methods 'metamodelAttribute' 'in FAMIXClass and I got an EMOF entity whose
'owner' was nil!
Moreover, in VisualLauncher class, you define the method
mooseStrictFamixMetaModel. In this method, you do:
'package := (Meta.System reference metamodel elementNamed: 'FAMIX')' but
it returns nil
thank you for your help!