In my image I get 2 DNU, in 2different threads,
appearing in the following order
MORoot>>updateBounds (called in forNode:do: as 'node owner updateBounds.')
causes the DNU when sending 'canvas updateBounds'. MORoot canvas is a Rectangle
(0@0 corner: 25@10) when causing the DNU but when I debug MORoot canvas is a MOCanvas
(MOCanvas<0@0 corner: 25@10>).
MORoot>>addSelection: aFigure causes DNU in 'selections add: aFigure'
because selections is nil. Still nil when I debug it.
On 26 Jul 2010, at 12:21, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
I do not get any DNU. I click on inner nodes, and new nodes are normally created.
forNode:do: is tested in
Using the example you gave in your email.
What are exactly the actions you perform to get the DNU?
On 26 Jul 2010, at 17:58, Johan Fabry wrote:
Hi Alex, all,
The latest mondrian (519) breaks forNode:do: again. Try test code below to get a DNU.
Alex could you add some tests for this feature ...
view interaction on: MOMouseDown do: [:ann |
view forNode: ann element model do: [
view interaction on: MOMouseDown do: [:ann2|
view forNode: ann2 element model do: [
view shape triangle. view nodes: #(6 7 8 9).]].
view shape diamond. view nodes: #(3 4 5).]].
view nodes: #(1 2)
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a) -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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Alexandre Bergel
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