Hi, what I written is just an "how to reproduce" example, and there is of
course no need for updating.
But I think there are cases when it is, for example, edges do not update by
themselves when connected elements are changed, until we call update on
In your example code, I might want to change label text (which we do, in our
application) when it is already in a view. But it does not update in view
until I call update on those composite shapes.
So I modify your code like this:
compo := RTCompositeShape new.
compo add: (RTEllipse new size: [ :tupple | tupple third ]; color: Color
compo add: (RTEllipse new size: [ :tupple | tupple second ]; color: Color
compo add: (RTLabel new text: [ :tupple | tupple first ]; color: Color red).
"ADDED LINE to demonstrate it does not keep this layout: " compo vertical.
v := RTView new.
data := {{ 'hello' . 30 . 50 } . { 'World' . 20 . 70} }.
v addAll: (compo elementsOn: data).
RTHorizontalLineLayout new alignCenter; on: v elements.
v elements @ RTDraggable.
"ADDED LINE where I change labels text:" v elements do: [ :elem | |label|
label := elem shape allShapes third. label text: 'LABEL'. ].
"ADDED LINE with updating:" "v elements do: [ :elem | elem update ]."
When the elem update line is commented, labels text is not changed. When I
uncomment it, labels change to 'LABEL', but composite shapes layout is lost.
These are just few occurences when update is needed (at least I think it is)
and I am unable to find any else, but to simplify things, we just update
everything in view and it worked fine until I tried to play with composite
abergel wrote
Hi Jan,
Help me to understand what’s going on :-)
Here is a script:
compo := RTCompositeShape new.
compo add: (RTEllipse new size: [ :tupple | tupple third ]; color: Color
compo add: (RTEllipse new size: [ :tupple | tupple second ]; color: Color
compo add: (RTLabel new text: [ :tupple | tupple first ]; color: Color
v := RTView new.
data := {{ 'hello' . 30 . 50 } . { 'World' . 20 . 70} }.
v addAll: (compo elementsOn: data).
RTHorizontalLineLayout new alignCenter; on: v elements.
v elements @ RTDraggable.
It produces the following:
Why do you want to call #update?
> On Mar 19, 2015, at 6:22 PM, Jan B. <
> wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying to work with composite shapes, but I encountered a problem.
> Let's say I need to create a circle... and in the center of it is
> another,
> smaller, circle with label (but I need it to be centered according to
> both
> label and smaller circle, that's why I decided to use composite shapes
> instead of RTLabelled).
> I am able to create it just fine, problem is when I call update on its
> RTElement. I'm not sure whether I am even supposed to do it, but I think
> I
> should be.
> I start with just the inner circle with label:
> | composite view |
> composite := (RTLabel new
> text: 'label';
> yourself)
> +
> (RTEllipse new
> size: 10;
> yourself).
> composite horizontal.
> element := composite element.
> view := RTView new.
> view
> add: element;
> open.
> element update.
> Before element update, it looks fine, but when I call update, composite
> layout (horizontal) gets lost.
> Let's say I can ignore this problem (which I can't), and I will try the
> same
> thing with whole shape
> | composite view subcomposite |
> subcomposite := (RTLabel new
> text: 'label';
> yourself)
> +
> (RTEllipse new
> size: 10;
> yourself).
> subcomposite horizontal.
> composite := (RTEllipse new
> size: 50;
> color: Color transparent;
> borderColor: Color black;
> yourself) + subcomposite.
> element := composite element.
> view := RTView new.
> view
> add: element;
> open.
> element update
> this time I get exception MessageNotUnderstood:
> TRCompositeShape>>text:on:
> I will appreciate any help, either by fixing something if it is broken,
> or
> explaining how to reach my goal the correct way.
> Jan
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