There exists a basic implementation of a finder that has resizable panes. For example:
finder := GLMFinder new.
hasFixedSizePanes: false;
show: [ :composite | composite list display: [ :x | 1 to: x ] ].
finder openOn: 42
However, there are issues with scrolling that I could not quite figure out how to solve.
I won’t do much here because our complete UI focus is currently towards Bloc, but maybe
others can try.
On Feb 27, 2018, at 5:02 PM, Nicolas Anquetil
<Nicolas.Anquetil(a)> wrote:
what I would like is to be able to tell #separateWindows to glamour, and it would open
several windows instead of panes in one window.
With panes, you often need to go back three or more panes back and this breaks the flow
of thoughts.
also resizing panes is not easy
On 25/02/2018 10:18, Tudor Girba wrote:
A while ago, I put together an initial version of a Moose Playground.
I noticed since a while a couple of things:
- I often need the inspector, and not only Moose Finder.
- I start from different places: sometimes a Moose model, sometimes a file, or sometimes
a script.
So, the idea of the new arrangement is to offer a single entry point to multiple
workflows. To this end, right now we have a playground that has three tabs:
- a regular one for a Pharo script:
<Moose Playground-script.png>
- a list of models and a way to import like those from the Moose Panel
<Moose Playground-models.png>
- the current directory for quick entry into the file system
<Moose Playground-folder.png>
I have been using it since a while and it seems to work quite well. Please let me know
what you think.
“Software has no shape. Actually, it has no one shape. It has many."
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Nicolas Anquetil
RMod team -- Inria Lille
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