On 22 Nov 2007, at 22:39 , Tudor Girba wrote:
I believe that here there are two points under
discussion, each with
2 subpoints:
A1) the reasons for wide classes
A2) the solutions for wide classes
B1) the reasons for collective behavior
To save memory.
Each moose element has a back pointer to its model. This is 4 byte
per element, ie 4 MB per 1 Mio elements. Which are realistic maybe
even low numbers when analysing histories or traces. With collective
behavior the memory footprint is (4 + F) * M * T, where F is the size
of an anonymous class, M is the number of models and T is the number
of element types used per model. Given that F is about 80 byte
(including object headers and metaclasses etc pp) and T maybe about
25, that is 2 KB = 0.002 MB per Model.
B2) the solutions for collective behavior
I propose to talk about each of these two points individually,
because they are not the same to me.