We in IBM Research have implemented a full Pharo
implementation of the TinkerPop Blueprints property graph de-facto standard
http://www.tinkerpop.com .
I am also completing a Pharo-binding for the Gremlin graph traversal language that I call
Glider (What you get when you cross a Gremlin and a Mouse). Its very compact and a bit
weird syntactically, but its very powerful. Smells kinda like APL for graphs.
If the community is interested, we could go through the IBM Open Source clearance process
in the new year and see if we can contribute.
I've been toying with Linked Data concepts in Pharo, and a common API for handling
graphs would probably make this stuff a little less confusing. It's easy to think
"I will just use the smalltalk object graph", but I'm not so sure anymore if
that's a good idea.