On 3 Jul 2011, at 09:54, Lukas Renggli wrote:
PluggableTextMorph does not provide a means for clients to know when the text has changed
aPluggableTextEditorMorph autoAccept: true
That is not the same. I want a notification from the PluggableTextMorph to tell me that
the text changed, so that I can update the an external client.
- TabMorph
does not provide a means for client to know when the tab has changed
Sure, become a dependent of the #tabSelectorMorph and it will trigger
a change #selectedIndex whenever the tab changes.
Alternatively you could use a deticated panel that notices when it is
attached into the Morphic tree (owner is set).
Good point. I will look at that.
- The label of
a TabMorph should shrink to fit the space. Right now a tab with a large title will expand
the bounds of the tab. I would like to have the possibility to limit the size of the title
to the size of the contents. Ideally, there should be some abbreviation (with ...) of the
Grease has a method called String>>#truncate:ellipsis:. For perfect
results you might want to specify the width in pixels not characters,
but that could be easily added using AbstractFont>>#widthOfString:.
Nice. It still has to be integrated in TabMorph.
Lukas Renggli
"In a world where everything is moving ever faster,
one might have better chances to win by moving slower."