On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 12:04 PM, tien dh <tiendh11986(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, I'm new to Mondiran and I'm trying to
run very simple piece of code:
Xin chào Tien.
Where are you located ?
| view namespaces |
namespaces := MooseModel root allModels first allModelNamespaces.
view := MOViewRenderer new.
view shape rectangle
width: #numberOfClasses;
height: #numberOfMethods;
linearFillColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode within: namespaces.
view nodes: namespaces.
view edgesToAll: #providerNamespaces.
view dominanceTreeLayout.
view open.
I tried with Roassal Easel but it doesn't compile. Where should I put the
code and run?
Apparently you are running an old version of Roassal.
Try to use the last version of MOOSE 6.0:
Are you sure you have imported a model with the MOOSE panel first ?
The API change a little bit in MOOSE 6.0:
| view namespaces |
namespaces := MooseModel root allModels first allModelNamespaces.
view := RTMondrian new.
view shape rectangle
width: #numberOfClasses;
height: #numberOfMethods;
linearFillColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode within: namespaces.
view nodes: namespaces.
view edges connectToAll: #providerNamespaces.
view layout dominanceTree.
view open.
Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk