Slot is not meta-level. It's just an implementation of Slots at
Smalltalk level.
For example, in FAMIXClass>>initialize you get:
methods := FMManySlot new
owner: self;
oppInstVar: #parentClass;
Which will take care to populate the parentClass instance variable
when you add a method. In any case, you can just treat it as a
collection and everything should work just fine.
Perhaps, this is not necessarily needed, but I would say we could give
it a try.
Slots are not Fame specific. They just happen to be packaged in Fame.
But as Moose already depends on Fame, I think this dependency is not
really a problem.
On Jun 12, 2008, at 9:46 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
Indeed, Slots are implemented in Fame, and the
CodeGenerator uses
instead of direct references or collections. That is why FAMIX uses
But a Slot is at the metalevel?
Does it generate code at the FAMIX class implementation level?
Why cant we simply generate the code and get done?
Why do we want to have to have such dependency with Fame?
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