Am 14.11.2014 00:57 schrieb "Chris Cunningham" <cunningham.cb(a)>om>:
Nah, morphic works. What you do is have it write to a canvas big enough
to hold the
drawing, then get the form under it, and then save that out.
So, something like this in the morph:
| canvas |
canvas := FormCanvas extent: self extent.
self drawOn: canvas.
^canvas contentsOfArea: bounds
and write it out with:
PNGReadWriter putForm: morph asForm onFileNamed: 'someFileName.png'
I've used this with rediculously large diagrams before.
Yes, pure morphic.
But rendering the above Diagramm in a morphic window and with Athens (and
therefore Cairo)
only works, because it only renders the visible part.
If you have a display with >32k width or hight, you would suffer from the
same Problem.