"Returns an unique identifier of this entity. This method is mandatory, and must
return a Symbol or Integer that uniquely identifies this entity within its model (but
not within the entire Moose enivronment, see MooseElement>>mooseID). The return
value must not be nil, and must never change. The implementation should be fast,
as this key may be used extensivley by the MooseModel or similar facilities."
mooseName was uniqueName in previous versions.?
On Oct 2, 2011, at 8:36 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
Hi Alex,
I think I do not understand your mail :).
mooseName should be a fully qualified unique name as often as possible. It is definitely
intended to be used like you mentioned in your mail (e.g., using entityNamed:).
So, where do you see mooseName returning the name only?
On 1 Oct 2011, at 18:19, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
[context: I am reviving CAnalyzer. My goal is to have it part of Moose for good. ]
At the time I worked on it, we had mooseName that return the fully qualified name (e.g.,
'file2.hunit.recGlobal'). This was quite handy to lookup value. For example, I
could write:
mooseModel entityNamed: 'file2.hunit.recGlobal'
this will return the definition of recGlobal defined in the file2.h.
Apparently, mooseName now returns the name (a String) as a symbol.
The method printOn: return the fully qualified name.
We had some discussion some times ago, but I kind of forgot what the motivation was for
that change.
Should't we have a way to fully quality entities?
Alexandre Bergel
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