On 20 January 2014 23:21, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com> wrote:
Juraj worked on rotating text. People have been asking for it for years…
With Roassal 2:
| v shape |
v := RTView new.
shape := RTRotatedLabel new.
why you need separate class for 'rotated' label?
i suppose you also need RTRotatedAndScaledLabel,
.. as well as other (infinite) number of permutations with 'something-ed'
and 'Label'.
or its just a prototype?
shape angleInDegree: [ :cls | cls numberOfMethods negated / 1.5 ].
shape text: [ :cls | ' ', cls name ].
shape color: (Color black alpha: 0.2).
v addAll: (shape elementsOn: Collection withAllSubclasses).
v canvas color: Color white.
v open
More screenshots and more examples on:
Excellent job Juraj!
Before the end of January, we will make a big big announcement. We, the
profilers, are working hard these days on a fantastic infrastructure for a
better and stronger visual experience.
Alexandre Bergel
Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.