this is the normal FMMultiValueLink>>add: anElement
anElement perform: opposite with: owner.
(values includes: anElement) not ifTrue: [
values add: anElement ].
it fails because anElement is nil (because each was nil in previous step)
On 14/08/2015 11:31, Guillaume Larcheveque wrote:
can you show one step above in the stack because your
problem is in
the #add: of FMMultivalue link
2015-08-14 16:26 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Anquetil <nicolas.anquetil(a)
How is this possible?
aCollection is an array with 1 element (an AdaParameter ...)
but each in the do: block contains nil (so the add: gives a DNU)
I have no idea how this can be possible
Any clue
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