Labels: Milestone-4.7
Comment #2 on issue 888 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: MondrianViewBuilder should
support a better zOrder
Great. Having strategies is definitely what I would want as well.
And I am happy that you agreed to add zIndex to the AbstractComponent :).
This saves a lot of traversing.
Now, about Mondrian:
- every node had
zOrder := self owner zOrder + 2
We can also make it zOrder := element depth * 2
- every edge had:
zOrder := (self source zOrder max: self target zOrder) - 1
In other words, the edges took the largest zOrder between the target and
then decreased it with one to be in between. This works well for highly
nested graphs. However, this implies that the nodes zOrder is computable
first. I did not check yet in the implementation.
Anyway, we make it an important issue for 4.7.