But how can you make sure that these default values
are the same in
all the languages.
This is equivalent to how all primitive values are set. If you have an
attribute and you want to give it a value; you always need to translate
the text in a way so that the language interpreting it understands it.
"preferring a language" is not really relevant since you will probably
always read it as a token first and then change tokens into actual
values. The standard way of writing parsers.
Is it the importer that will do the mapping?
I did that in CDIF converting idiot -TRUE- into true and this is
boring and slowing everything.
As said before; this does -not- slow -anything- down. You always have
to do that. If you write "true" in your workspace in Visualworks or
whatever you use; you also have to read and parse this. It's not
because it looks like the language does this automagically that your
smalltalk does not read and parse it anyway.
So mse will be slower or mse will favor a language (if
this is
Smalltalk this is ok too).
So this is an invalid argument. See above.
now if the default value is a boolean, will I get true
or nil if in
the model it was not set?
If no default is specified, this will be the default "unset" value of
the language in question. In python this will be None, in java this
will be null or 0 for int or false for boolean. For ...... and
smalltalk this will be nil.
This would
allow code generation in different platforms
to actually write the correct initialization for those values.
I know I did that in 2000 for the DomainGenerator we never used.
But this was fun to do that just to learn that old MOF way of
representing relationship was crap
and created overly complex queries for code generation.
Adrian implemented a code generator for FM3, I just finished doing the
same in python, I also already have an mse-reader + writer in scheme;
next week I will implement this in Smalltalk; and we use this to
generate the FAMIX3.0 code so that they automatically support
opposites with One/Many(for the one->one->many->many relations). Now
we are working on a draft of the specification of MSE and FM3 in
cooperation with Lukas.
FAME implementations available (for java and python) at: