Dear all,
I have a question regarding inFamix and the MSE format.
I have an Android project composed by a single class. I need to perform an analysis on the
Invocations. For this reason I need the source code of the library called. Thus I copied
some of the sources of the Android SDK inside the src folder of the project. When I
generate the MSE file of the project I end up having a problem: Each FAMIX entity, i.e.,
FAMIX.Attribute, appears twice in the MSE. I have duplicated classes, attributes,
invocations and methods. In this way it's impossible to perform any kind of analysis.
As an example, here is a snippet of the obtained MSE:
(FAMIX.Attribute (id: 430073)
(name 'mZoomIn')
(parentType (ref: 368554))
(declaredType (ref: 413535))
(isPrivate true)
(isFinal true)
(FAMIX.Attribute (id: 450685)
(name 'mZoomIn')
(parentType (ref: 450670))
(declaredType (ref: 413535))
(isPrivate true)
(isFinal true)
The 'parentType's 368554 and 450670 are the same, but duplicated as well.
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.