I am currently working on an XML to object mapping library. I came up with
an early version for a project, since I had to map weird/complex/poor XML
files. I'm in contact with Stephané Ducasse about a planned Pharo port.
He suggested to ask here for your opinions and ideas on this DSL/library.
SimpleXO consists of two parts, a Smalltalk Builder API that constructs a
parser object and a non-Smalltalk syntax meant for external binding
configuration. This post is on the API.
SimpleXO uses two concepts: types and mappings. A type describes how to
construct an object. It is configured with a class, a constructor and
mappings. A mapping defines which type a set of nodes is mapped to. The
nodes are given by a expression similar to XPath.
Short Example:
<geo id="1">
<pos x="2" y="3" />
"Smalltalk'ish way:"
builder := SimpleXOParserBuilder new.
(builder defineElement: 'Rect')
class: 'Rectangle'; "given as string to postpone resolving"
mapPath: ('pos' /@ 'x') toType: 'Int';
mapPath: ('pos' /@ 'y') toType: 'Int';
mapPath: ('width') toType: 'Int';
mapPath: ('height') toType: 'Int';
mapPath: (AnyNodeTest /@ 'id') toType: 'Int'.
(builder defineCData: 'Int')
class: 'Integer';
constructor: #fromString:.
parser := builder buildParser: 'rect'.
parser mapNode: xmlNode.
"this gives the following object:"
(Rectangle new)
x: 2; y: 2;
width: 4; height: 5.
Actually we see two kinds of types: element and cdata. The only difference
is that elements are constructed using an unary constructor and cdata with
a one-argument message that is sent with the string-value of the current
node. Of course, SimpleXO supports id resolving, collecting values and
tokenizing attribute values. You can find further information on
I am really interested in your impressions, questions and ideas so far?