How can I make the edge not from the package but the class inside the originating
view interaction
whenEnteringUpdateNode: [:node |
view shape rectangle
fillColor: Color orange;
height: 7;
width: 7.
view nodes: node classes.
view gridLayout gapSize: 2.
view edges: {node} from: #yourself toAll: #sureReferencingClasses ]
whenLeavingUpdateNode: [:node |
view shape rectangle
fillColor: Color orange;
height: 7;
width: 7.
view nodes: node classes.
view gridLayout gapSize: 2 ]
withLayoutUpdate: true.
view nodes: model allPackages
forEach: [:pack |
view shape rectangle
fillColor: Color orange;
height: 7;
width: 7.
view nodes: pack classes.
view gridLayout gapSize: 2.
view gridLayout.