============ Forwarded message ============
From : jaayer
To : "Alexandre Bergel"
Date : Thu, 06 Jan 2011 07:27:20 -0800
Subject : Re: [Moose-dev] xmlsupport conflict in pharo 1.2
============ Forwarded message ============
---- On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 09:39:31 -0800 Alexandre Bergel wrote ----
I had a quick look at it.
In Pharo 1.2, the XML-Parser parkage is clean (i.e.,not dirty). Loading XMLSupport turns
the package dirty. The user is asked whether he is ready to lose his changes. I cannot
determine why the packages turned dirty.
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'XMLSupport';
package: 'ConfigurationOfXMLSupport';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfXMLSupport) perform: #loadDefault.
in a fresh image raises the popup. Without canceling or accepting, open a Monticello
browser, you will see the package dirty.
Jaaryer, can you have a look at it? There is something weird with the configuration. I
sincerely hope we will have a better tool for managing configuration. I am currently
working on it, but it is still too early for releasing it.
Is the package in Pharo 1.2 the most recent version? Reading the discussion from last
month, it appeared they were opting for an older version. The only Pharo 1.2 image I can
find on the website is a barren core without XMLSupport in it.
Regardless, if you load any of the recent XMLSupport packages and run the test suite, it
will dirty the XML-Tests-Parser package. To understand why, just browse the
XMLParserElementFactoryTest class or read its comment; it generates a number of
"dummy" subclasses of XMLElement for testing purposes in its #setUp message and
removes those classes from the system in its #tearDown message. I have known about this
for weeks but did not consider it to be a problem as other packages ("Tests",
for example) always seem to have an asterisk beside them in the Monticello browser and
nothing seems break as a result. I can easily change this to make those classes static
(always present) rather than dynamically generated/removed, if this is a problem.
On 5 Jan 2011, at 11:41, Tudor Girba wrote:
XMLSupport is present in the latest Pharo 1.2. Loading a new version generates an
exception apparently, so I removed for the moment XMLSupport from the default
I think we should only load this conditionally. Or do you have another solution?
"Every thing should have the right to be different."
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Alexandre Bergel
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