My guess would be that this is remnant of the old navigation system (Cook)
You should use the new one (Chef) which is more robust and generic:
aFAMIXType queryIncomingAccesses
you can then refine the query:
aFAMIXType queryIncomingAccesses atClassScope
-> all the classes that access an attribute of aFAMIXType
aFAMIXType queryIncomingAccesses atClassScope withoutSelfLoops
-> same, but aFAMIXType will be filtered out (if it does access its own
attributes which it should)
aFAMIXType queryIncomingAccesses opposite
-> all behaviourals (presumably methods) that access an attribute of
On 16/02/2015 18:50, Damien Cassou wrote:
#flatCollect:. In my case, the variable
'attributes' is of type
^ self privateState
cacheAt: #incomingAccesses
ifAbsentPut: [ attributes flatCollect: [ :each | each
incomingAccesses ] ]
in this method
when the cache is empty, it is initialized with the result of
FMMultivalueLink. When sending #flatCollect: to a FMMultiValueLink,
the result is an OrderedCollection (because FMMultiValueLink>>#species
returns OrderedCollection). This means that it is no more possible to
update the list of incomingAccesses.
Is that the desired behavior?
In my case, this behavior triggers a bug. When the following method is
FMMultiValueLink class>>on: element update: selector from: old to: new
"refresh the other side of the relations to reflect change in
old ~= new ifTrue: [
old notNil ifTrue: [ (old perform: selector) unsafeRemove:
element ].
new notNil ifTrue: [ (new perform: selector) unsafeAdd:
element ]].
^ new
executed while importing a mse, I get a DNU:
This is because the (new perform: selector) expression returns an
OrderedCollection that does not understand #unsafeAdd: (selector equals
to #incomingAccesses).
Could somebody help me please?
-- Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
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