>> But I think it will be interesting to have a
model which update
>> with the source code is really interesting in case of
>> reengineering. Like that we can see evolution in real time.
>> The idea is to use Orion, to have a story of changes.
> Ok, I see. To have a kind of an active bridge between a moose model
> and the source code in Pharo. That would indeed be useful. At each
> modification of the code, reimporting everything is painful.
JDT does that in Eclipse for Java projects.
And of course VerveineJ is based on JDT, ...
>>>>>> So, let me start. Here are
some projects I would propose:
>>>>>> - Enhanced Glamour rendering - I need help here, especially in
>>>>>> the Morphic rendering part
>>>>>> - Editor for Fame meta-models
>>>>>> - FameDB - database persistency for fame meta-described objects
>>>>>> (Alberto is already interested in this)
>>>>>> - Editor for Mondrian graphs
>>>>>> - Strong JNIPort connection to Eclipse and VerveineJ - Cyrille
>>>>>> already has a project in this area
>>>>>> - More Petit parsers - Fabrizio started one for SQL and JSP,
>>>>>> and Alberto started one for Java
>>>>>> - Tight integration of Moose analyses in the PharoIDE - I
>>>>>> already started the Glamorous Toolkit project and I would like
>>>>>> to continue
>>>>>> - PetitParser-based text editor to support fine-grained control
>>>>>> over different tokens
>>>>>> - Meta-annotations (Metanool)
>>>>>> - Charting engine (EyeSee)
>>>>>> - Mondrian interaction based on Glamour
>>>>>> What are your projects? Let's share them and identify
>>>>>> collaborations.
>>>>> Together with Eduardo, we've been working on
>>>>> - a SVG and TikZ exporter for Mondrian
>>>>> - A new force-based layout which produce nice results. I will
>>>>> release it in a couple of days
>>>>> With Vanessa, we've been working on
>>>>> - cool visualizations to assess the test coverage
>>>>> - increasing the coverage of Merlin and Mondrian
>>>>> With Vanessa, we plan to extend the test coverage of Moose in
>>>>> general. We need this for some papers.
>>>>> Eduardo will have 1,5 week to work on a short and cool project.
>>>>> Doru, what do you mean with:
>>>>>> - Mondrian interaction based on Glamour
>>>>> Eduardo can work on this:
>>>>>> - Editor for Mondrian graphs
I think Moose focuses a lot on source code and forget a bit the environnement:
- configuration management
Veronica is working on this
- tests
Alex and Vanessa
- Database and persistency tools
- but may be also less technical things: models (as in UML models, not meta-models),
documents, people, ...
- maybe dynamic information too
And all this nicely packaged in an easy-to-use plugin system (yeck :-( )