We should
start a new version of Moose incrementally, by adding packages, step by step. We should
organize a workshop only on this task. End of January is feasible for me.
It's not packages that pose the problem. It's the big picture that is
not clearly defined that poses a problem. Because of this, packages
are placed in the wrong places, and this to leads unwanted dependency
gets, and in the end, configurations get messy and sometimes circular.
Please read the message I sent a while ago entitled: "major repackaging
I read it and I agreed with it. I am all for it. I think that trying to refactor the
configuration will not work. Both of us tried with Dale and no much has changed.
We should start the configuration and the packaging from scratch by carefully thinking
what is really the structure we want to have, as you said.
I can could to Europe at the end of January to work on this.
Alexandre Bergel