this is a nice idea
I will think about it.
I would tend to say that it is possible because it solely based on the result of JDT
So a plugin should not have difficulty doing this ...
----- Mail original -----
De: "Johan Fabry"
À: "Moose-related development" <moose-dev(a)>
Envoyé: Mardi 22 Mars 2011 17:02:36
Objet: [Moose-dev] Re: Issue 560 in moose-technology: parentType bug in Java model
Hello Nicolas,
I am happy to hear that work is going forward, a pity that it is not
so straightforward.
I have a question: do you think that with your restructuring it would
be possible/easy to have VerveineJ as an Eclipse plugin, generating
.mse files on recompile ?
On 22 Mar 2011, at 08:59, Nicolas Anquetil wrote:
OK guys
let me just briefly keep you updated.
There as been changes in the meta-model for Moose 4.3 that needs to
be ported to VerveineJ
I have been working on it these last three weeks.
Because VerveineJ was kind of a one shot development + several
extensions, the source code was not as nice as I would have like it.
So I took the opportunity to restructure it seriously
(unfortunately, my first try at it led to a dead end and loosing one
week of work)
I have also been detained by a stupid JDT parser issue.
The summary is:
- I am slowly working on it.
- Some of the new things have already been implemented
(parameterizable class)
- some other are on their way
- tests are slowly turning back to their original nice green color
As soon as I have something at least equivalent to what it was in
moose 4.1, I will post it.
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a) -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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