On Oct 29, 2014, at 3:49 PM, jannik laval
<jannik.laval(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you Alex, I will try that !
I will need a time delay because my collection of nodes comes from an OSProcess call.
2014-10-29 19:38 GMT+01:00 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com
Hi Jannik,
You should never use valueWithInterval:
This methods creates threads, and threads are evil.
If you update Roassal, you will see I’ve added a new class for you, RTActiveAnimation.
You can try this:
v := RTView new.
element := RTLabel elementOn: '0'.
v add: element.
value := 0.
RTActiveAnimation new
inView: v;
blockToExecute: [
value := value + 1.
element trachelShape text: value asString. ].
Naturally, RTActiveAnimation may need to have some time delay.
Does it make sense?
Alexandre Bergel
On Oct 29, 2014, at 1:09 PM, jannik laval
<jannik.laval(a)gmail.com <mailto:jannik.laval@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Alex,
So I tried again but I have problems. Here is a sample code I made:
| view el shape|
view := RTView new.
el := RTElement forCollection: #(1 2 3).
shape := RTMultiCompositeShape new
add: (RTEllipse new color: Color blue; size: 20);
add: (RTLabel new);
el do:[:e |
e @ RTDraggable;
+ shape.
view elements do:[:e | view removeElement: e].
view addAll: el.
RTGridLayout new on: el.
view signalUpdate.
] valueWithInterval: 1second.
view open
This code update the view every seconds, because the collection is changing regularly.
Now, I tried to use a builder to make similar behavior but it has not the right behavior:
the shapes are not well placed, and when I place the mouse on a shape, it raises an
Here is the code:
| c b |
c := RTComposer new.
b := RTGraphBuilder new.
b view: c view.
b nodes
color: Color blue.
b layout circle.
b cleanView.
b addAll: #(1 2 3).
b build
] valueWithInterval: 1second.
c group.
c layout: RTVerticalLineLayout new.
c open.
So, what is your point of view ? What can I improve and how ?
Is any guy of Roassal team coming at Smalltalks 2014 ? I will be at Cordoba and I would
like to peer-program with someone who knows well Roassal.
2014-10-29 16:25 GMT+01:00 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com
Ok, let us know!
Alexandre Bergel
http://www.bergel.eu <http://www.bergel.eu/>
On Oct 29, 2014, at 11:19 AM, jannik laval
<jannik.laval(a)gmail.com <mailto:jannik.laval@gmail.com>> wrote:
Thank you Alex,
I will check all of that.
2014-10-28 13:23 GMT+01:00 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com
There is a chapter on builders:
On Oct 24, 2014, at 12:54 PM, jannik laval
<jannik.laval(a)gmail.com <mailto:jannik.laval@gmail.com>> wrote:
2014-10-24 16:51 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák <i.uhnak(a)gmail.com
> My point is that I want to do a board with multiple views. I saw that in the Roassal
example pane.
If you mean what I think that's not actually Roassal, that is just regular images.
You can always investigate the source code of Roassal>ExampleBrowser
Ok, I don't understood that they are simple image.
So, I will go to understand builders.
Do you have simple examples ?
> can you give an example? Does that mean all builders have a view: method (or is that
renderIn:?). I'm interested because I'd like to mix builders.
The base class RTBuilder have both view: and renderIn:; if not specified the builder will
create its own view.
I don't know if this is the intended way, but that's how I use it and it seems to
work. :)
Look at RTComposerExample>>exampleClassAnalysis.
On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 4:38 PM, Thierry Goubier <thierry.goubier(a)gmail.com
<mailto:thierry.goubier@gmail.com>> wrote:
2014-10-24 16:14 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák <i.uhnak(a)gmail.com
I don't believe you can add view to a view, however you can either use the same view
in all methods (if you are using builders you can pass view to them, or use renderIn:
aView method)
Hi Peter,
can you give an example? Does that mean all builders have a view: method (or is that
renderIn:?). I'm interested because I'd like to mix builders.
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