Pay attention, collectAsSet is already there and implemented as
collectAsSet: aBlock
(self collect: aBlock) asSet
whereas a hypothetical collectUnionAsSet would do
collectUnionAsSet: aBlock
self inject: Set new into: [ :set :each | set addAll: (aBlock value:
each) ]
which is not the same.
On 17 Jun 2008, at 8:47 , stéphane ducasse wrote:
We will keep it but under flatCollect:
and introduce collectAsSet: for the flatCollect: asSet semantics
On Jun 17, 2008, at 1:52 AM, Adrian Kuhn wrote:
> As I designed it, collectUnion uses the semantics of the receiver
> for doing the union, ie the union of arrays can have duplicates.
> Why? I feel this is more natural (and it performs better for
> millions of objects, never forget, a set is always implemented as
> dictionary or worse). This test asserts that no one changes
> collectUnion to use set semantics for arrays.
> But feel free to change this if you prefer set semantics.
> AA
> On 14 Jun 2008, at 15:55 , stéphane ducasse wrote:
>> I would like to fix
>> collectUnion:
>> and I would like to understand why
>> (#((1 2) (3 4) (5 3)) collectUnion: [ :each ]) equalsTo: #(1 2 3
>> 3 4 5))
>> and not to #(1 2 3 4 5)
>> is it a bug in the test?
>> Stef