Me and Adrian are planning a paired "sprint" to implement Fame in
Squeak. (This includes FM3, codegeneration, MSE importer/exporter etc)
Hans N Beck wrote:
Hi Stephan,
I have planned to start a port of Moose Core and Moose Development
to Squeak. Of course I can not promise anything, or give some time
frame. I need Moose for my daily work, and as for you we can not use a
commercial VW license before proving the important people the value of
Moose ;-)
For now, I looked at the code in VW, readed things about FM3, FAMIX
and MSE and I am ready to start. Contribution of course welcomed :-)
Am 13.02.2008 um 17:16 schrieb stephan(a)
I've been doing some code analysis of one of
our legacy c++ projects
in squeak (a commercial one), and would be interested in experimenting
with Moose. VW non-commercial doesn't seem to be an option then.
What would be needed to get Moose running on squeak, and does the
license allow that?
Stephan Eggermont
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