Hi Stephan,
On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Stephan Eggermont <stephan(a)stack.nl> wrote:
I've been working on creating a presentation using
Making a browser fullscreen:
bounds: (RealEstateAgent maximumUsableAreaInWorld: World).
Switching the UITheme to the white Glamorous theme gets rid of most of the
darker background.
Are there any darker backgrounds that do not get overridden, or you do not
like it that they do get overridden?
When embedding a GTPlayground in another browser, I need to override the
reaction to GLMBrowserClosing
on: GLMBrowserClosing do: [
"This is a hack for the moment.
We need a better mechanism from Glamour to help
us keep the model in sync"
self entity
content: self first panes first
presentations first text.
self entity content asString trimBoth isEmpty
ifFalse: [ self class repository add: self
entity ] ]
I'll put this functionality into a new method that you can then override.
In presentation mode, I give one of the columns (with a tree pane) a span
of 0.
I can then still control the tree contents in it with the cursor keys.
Once I click inside a text pane, I can no longer give the tree pane
focus. I would like to have an action to show/hide the pane. How do I force
a redraw after setting the span?
Right now Glamour does not support this. One way to implement this would be
to rebuild the entire browser on update; or have an action that does this
on demand as doing it all the time could be a overkill.
How do I make the text area really read-only?
This is also not supported right now in Glamour. Though it should be
relatively straight forward to implement.
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