On 8 janv. 2010, at 21:44, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Dear List,
The package management in Pharo is getting more centralized.
I moved ConfigurationOfMoose, ConfigurationOfCAnalyzer, ConfigurationOfMondrian in the
SqueakSource package MetacelloRepository.
It would be great if you follow this convention.
I am not sure this is a good move. This special repository is great for projects with high
visibility and external to the Pharo sphere, like the packages for the dev image.
Besides, we are using Metacello configurations in some strange ways and continue to bend
Metacello. I understand that this repository is mostly to track stable configurations,
while we will soon starting to track our branches and development with Configurations. For
our own projects, I prefer we keep them in our repository (I dont have the rights on
Metacello repository).
I load the tools I need using the script:
#('Mondrian' 'CAnalyzer' 'Spy')
do: [:t |
| name |
name := 'ConfigurationOf', t.
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: name;
(Smalltalk at: name asSymbol) perform: #loadDefault ].
Alexandre Bergel
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