On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 9:28 AM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com>
Something like this is not enough?
Well, I usually think of the lined graph as impying a continuity between
the points; I want to state that it happened at a specific time, with
nothing in between. I also kinda like the bars in that is draws attention
to them; the dots are to easy to overlook (especially the color, to my
So, I've taken some of these ideas and gotten the timing down better, and
applied alpha so that I can see overlapping bars. This might be good enough
for now, at least for me.
data := {
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color gray;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-10-30 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 4;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color gray;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-10-31 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 5;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color red;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-10-31 12:41:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 15;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color green;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-11-01 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 7;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color gray;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-11-02 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 1;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color gray;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-11-03 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 4;
oldestEntryDate := (data collect: [ :entry | (entry at: 'TIME') asDate
asDateAndTime asUnixTime ]) min.
newestEntryDate := (data collect: [ :entry | (entry at: 'TIME') asUnixTime
]) max.
newestEntryDate = (DateAndTime fromUnixTime: newestEntryDate) asTime
seconds = 0 ifFalse: [
newestEntryDate := ((DateAndTime fromUnixTime: newestEntryDate) asDate + 1
day) asDateAndTime asUnixTime.
data := data copyWith: (Dictionary new at: 'COLOR' put: Color white; at:
'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromUnixTime: newestEntryDate); at: 'SECONDS'
0; yourself).
ticks := (newestEntryDate - oldestEntryDate) asDuration asDays asInteger *
b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b extent: 300 @ 200.
b interaction
popupText: [:entry | (entry at: 'TIME') asString, ' took ', (entry at:
'SECONDS') asString, ' seconds'];
highlightColored: Color blue.
b shape rectangle color: [ :entry | (entry at: 'COLOR' ) alpha: 0.6]; size:
b points: data.
b y: [ :entry | entry at: 'SECONDS' ].
b allX: [ :v | (v at: 'TIME') asUnixTime - oldestEntryDate ].
b histogramWithBarTitle: [ :entry | '' ].
b axisY.
b axisConfiguration
title: '';
labelRotation: -30;
numberOfTicks: ticks;
numberOfLabels: ticks;
labelConvertion: [ :v | |lbl|
lbl := DateAndTime fromUnixTime: v + oldestEntryDate.
lbl asTime asSeconds = 0 ifTrue: [ lbl asDate ] ifFalse: [ '' ]
b axisX.
b build.
b view
[image: Inline image 1]
And, incidentally, I'm really enjoying the playground. Great fun!