Hi there
I'm trying to assess bottlenecks in the Moose importer. I think there
are some hidden scalability issues especially in the
InstallElementsOperator and the CandidateListOperator.
Now I cant run a profiler on that because the image crashes before the
end, so I just randomly pick some interruption from time to time
(especially when I dont have feedback by a progress bar).
Some suspect code:
InstallElementsOperator >>basicRun
model entityStorage forSetup.
self container
[:each |
model add: each.
self increment].
model entityStorage forRuntime <------- here: converting to a
runtime storage takes a long time
CandidateListOperator >>setUp
"dont call 'model allMethods' here because it sorts the group and we
dont care at this level"
groups := ((model allWithType: FAMIXMethod) reject: #isAbstract)
groupedBy: #signature <----- groupedBy: create a dictionary with all
method signatures, I suspect it becomes inefficient on large models
Any taker/suggestion on this?
Also I think it would be good to launch the importer in a separate/
background thread, with the possibility to cancel it.
What we can do basically (for example):
[MooseScripts createModelForPharo] forkAt: 20 (give it a low priority
to not starve other process, esp. UI)
and we can still interrupt the process in
Now if someone knowledgeable in Morphic can come with an enhanced
progress bar with a cancel button, which would terminate the import
process when clicked.