Here is my papers related to Moose:
title = {OZONE: Package Layered Structure Identification in presence of Cycles},
author = {Jannik Laval and St\'ephane Ducasse and Nicolas Anquetil},
booktitle = {9th BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution seminar (BENEVOL 2010)},
year = {2010},
keywords = {pharo-pub lse-pub},
annote = {internationalworkshop},
aeres = {ACT},
aeresstatus = {aeres12},
selectif = {oui},
inria = {RMOD},
labo = {dans},
x-pays = {FR},
x-editorial-board = {yes},
x-proceedings = {yes},
x-international-audience = {yes},
x-country = {FR},
x-language = {EN},
address = {Lille, France}
author = {Alexandre Bergel and Mariano Abel Coca and Gabriela Arevalo and Dale
Henrichs and Jannik Laval},
title = {Memory Profiling Blueprint},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Argentinian Smalltalk Conference 2010
year = {2010},
keywords = {pharo-pub lse-pub},
annote = {internationalworkshop},
aeres = {ACT},
aeresstatus = {aeres12},
selectif = {oui},
inria = {RMOD},
labo = {dans},
x-pays = {BE},
x-editorial-board = {yes},
x-proceedings = {yes},
x-international-audience = {yes},
x-country = {},
x-language = {EN},
address = {Concepci\'on del Uruguay, Argentina},
abstract = {},
hal-id = {},
pdf = {}
title = {Supporting Simultaneous Versions for Software Evolution Assessment},
author = {Jannik Laval and Simon Denier and Stephane Ducasse and Jean-Remy Falleri},
journal = {Journal of Science of Computer Programming (SCP)},
annote = {internationaljournal},
keywords = {sub lse-pub moose-pub},
year = {2010},
month = may,
inriareport = {2010},
aeres = {ACL},
aeresstatus = {aeres12},
labo = {dans},
inria = {RMOD},
misc = {Core A},
impactfactor = {Core A},
selectif = {oui},
abstract = {When reengineering software systems, maintainers should be able to assess
and compare multiple change scenarios for a given goal, so as to choose the most pertinent
one. Because they implicitly consider one single working copy, revision control systems do
not scale up well to perform simultaneous analyses of multiple versions of systems. We
designed Orion, an interactive prototyping tool for reengineering, to simulate changes and
compare their impact on multiple versions of software source code models. Our approach
offers an interactive simulation of changes, reuses existing assessment tools, and has the
ability to hold multiple and branching versions simultaneously in memory. Specifically, we
devise an infrastructure which optimizes memory usage of multiple versions for large
models. This infrastructure uses an extension of the FAMIX source code meta-model but it
is not limited to source code analysis tools since it can be applied to models in general.
In this paper, we validate our approach by running benchmarks on memory usage and
computation time of model queries on large models. Our benchmarks show that the Orion
approach scales up well in terms of memory usage, while the current implementation could
be optimized to lower its computation time. We also report on two large case studies on
which we applied Orion.},
x-editorial-board = {yes},
x-proceedings = {yes},
x-international-audience = {yes},
x-language = {EN},
hal-id = {inria-00531500},
x-scientific-popularization = {yes},
pdf = {}
title = {Identifying cycle causes with CycleTable},
author = {Jannik Laval and Simon Denier and St\'ephane Ducasse},
booktitle = {FAMOOSr 2009: 3rd Workshop on FAMIX and MOOSE in Software Reengineering},
year = {2009},
keywords = {moose-pub lse-pub},
aeres = {ACT},
annote = {internationalworkshop},
aeresstatus = {aeres12},
labo = {dans},
inria = {RMOD},
inriareport = {2009},
selectif = {non},
x-editorial-board = {yes},
x-proceedings = {yes},
x-international-audience = {yes},
x-language = {EN},
x-country = {FR},
address = {Brest, France},
abstract = {No abstract},
hal-id = {inria-00498495},
webpdf =
title = {Identifying cycle causes with Enriched Dependency Structural Matrix},
author = {Jannik Laval and Simon Denier and St\'ephane Ducasse and Alexandre
booktitle = {WCRE '09: Proceedings of the 2009 16th Working Conference on Reverse
year = {2009},
keywords = {moose-pub lse-pub},
aeres = {ACT},
misc = {Acceptance rate: 20/79 = 25\%},
rate = {25\%},
annote = {internationalconference},
aeresstatus = {aeres12},
labo = {dans},
inria = {RMOD},
inriareport = {2009},
selectif = {oui},
x-editorial-board = {yes},
x-proceedings = {yes},
x-international-audience = {yes},
x-language = {EN},
x-country = {FR},
address = {Lille, France},
abstract = {Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) has been successfully applied to identify
dependencies among packages and subsystems. A number of algorithms were proposed to
compute the
matrix so that it highlights patterns and problematic dependencies between subsystems.
existing DSM implementations often miss important information to fully support
effort. For example, they do not clearly qualify and quantify problematic relationships,
information which is crucial to support remediation tasks.
In this paper we present enriched DSM (eDSM) where cells are enriched with contextual
about (i) the type of dependencies (inheritance, class reference . . . ), (ii) the
proportion of
referencing entities, (iii) the proportion of referenced entities. We distinguish
cycles and stress potentially simple fixes for cycles using coloring information. This
work is
language independent and has been implemented on top of the Moose reengineering
environment. It has
been applied to non-trivial case studies among which ArgoUML, and Morphic the UI
available in two open-source Smalltalks, Squeak and Pharo. Solution to problems
identified by eDSM
have been performed and retrofitted in Pharo main distribution.},
hal-id = {inria-00498446 /},
webpdf = {}
title = {Supporting Incremental Changes in Large Models},
author = {Jannik Laval and Simon Denier and St\'ephane Ducasse and Andy Kellens},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ESUG International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST
year = {2009},
keywords = {moose-pub lse-pub},
annote = {internationalworkshop},
aeres = {ACT},
aeresstatus = {aeres12},
selectif = {oui},
inria = {RMOD},
inriareport = {2009},
labo = {dans},
x-pays = {BE},
x-editorial-board = {yes},
x-proceedings = {yes},
x-international-audience = {yes},
x-country = {FR},
x-language = {EN},
address = {Brest, France},
abstract = {When reengineering large systems, software developers would like to assess
and compare the impact of multiple change scenarios without actually performing these
changes. A change can be ef- fected by applying a tool to the source code, or by a manual
refac- toring. In addition, tools run over a model are costly to redevelop. It raises an
interesting challenge for tools implementors: how to support modification of large source
code models to enable com- parison of multiple versions. One naive approach is to copy the
entire model after each modification. However, such an approach is too expensive in memory
and execution time. In this paper we ex- plore different implementations that source code
metamodels sup- port multiple versions of a system. We propose a solution based on dynamic
binding of entities between multiple versions, providing good access performance while
minimizing memory consumption.},
hal-id = {inria-00498492 /},
webpdf =
title = {Matrice de d\'ependances enrichie},
author = {Jannik Laval and Alexandre Bergel and St\'ephane Ducasse},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Languages et Mod\`eles \`a Objets (LMO 2009)},
annote = {nationalconference},
keywords = {moose-pub lse-pub},
year = {2009},
inria = {RMOD},
inriareport = {2009},
x-editorial-board = {yes},
x-proceedings = {yes},
x-international-audience = {no},
x-country = {FR},
x-language = {FR},
address = {Nancy, France},
abstract = {Les matrices de d\'ependance (DSM - Dependency Structure Matrix),
d\'evelopp\'ees dans le cadre de l'optimisation de processus, ont fait leurs
preuves pour identifier les d\'ependances logicielles entre des packages ou des
sous-syst\`e\-mes. Il existe plusieurs algorithmes pour structurer une matrice de fa\c con
\`a ce qu'elle refl\`ete l'architecture des \'el\'ements analys\'es et
mette en \'evidence des cycles entre les sous-sys\-t\`e\-mes. Cependant, les
impl\'ementations de matrices de d\'ependance existantes manquent
d'informations importantes pour apporter une r\'eelle aide au travail de
r\'eing\'enierie. Par exemple, le poids des relations qui posent probl\`eme ainsi
que leur type ne sont pas clairement pr\'esent\'es. Ou encore, des cycles
ind\'ependants sont fusionn\'es. Il est \'egalement difficile d'obtenir
une visualisation centr\'ee sur un package. Dans ce papier, nous am\'eliorons les
matrices de d\'ependance en ajoutant des informations sur (i) le type de
r\'ef\'erences, (ii) le nombre d'entit\'es r\'ef\'eren\c cantes,
(iii) le nombre d'entit\'es r\'ef\'erenc\'ees. Nous distinguons
\'egalement les cycles ind\'ependants. Ce travail a \'et\'e
impl\'ement\'e dans l'environnement de r\'eing\'enierie open-source
\emph{Moose}. Il a \'et\'e appliqu\'e \`a des \'etudes de cas complexes
comme le framework \emph{Morphic UI} contenu dans les environnements Smalltalk open-source
\emph{Squeak} et \emph{Pharo}. Les r\'esultats obtenus ont \'et\'e
appliqu\'es dans l'environnement de programmation \emph{Pharo} et ont men\'e
\`a des am\'eliorations.},
hal-id = {inria-00498463 /},
webpdf = {}
author = {Jannik Laval and Alexandre Bergel and St\'ephane Ducasse},
title = {Assessing the Quality of your Software with MoQam},
annote = {internationalworkshop},
keywords = {moose-pub lse-pub stefPub},
booktitle = {FAMOOSr, 2nd Workshop on FAMIX and Moose in Reengineering},
year = {2008},
x-editorial-board = {yes},
x-proceedings = {no},
x-international-audience = {yes},
hal-id = {inria-00498482},
webpdf = {}
author = {Alexandre Bergel and St\'ephane Ducasse and Jannik Laval and Romain
title = {Enhanced Dependency Structure Matrix for Moose},
annote = {internationalworkshop},
keywords = {moose},
aeres = {missing},
booktitle = {FAMOOSr, 2nd Workshop on FAMIX and Moose in Reengineering},
year = {2008},
x-editorial-board = {yes},
x-proceedings = {no},
x-international-audience = {yes},
aeres = {COM},
aeresstatus = {aeres12},
selectif = {non},
labo = {dans},
inria = {RMOD},
hal-id = {inria-00498484},
webpdf = {}
On Mar 14, 2011, at 21:08 , Tudor Girba wrote:
I would like to update the publications from the moose webpage. It looks like since 2007
there is a drop in publications. This does not sound correct, and indeed it looks like we
mostly only have the SCG publications in there.
Would it be possible to get Moose-related publications from Lille, Lugano, and Santiago?
"Every thing should have the right to be different."
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