Wait. What do you mean that I have to implement methods in my domain classes to use DSM.
There was a way to build the matrix by mapping my domain entities with blocks.
Why don't you use that route? Is that not doable anymore? It should be.
On 6 Jul 2011, at 14:33, Nicolas Anquetil wrote:
But you have to write two methods:
- one in your plugin, named configurationOfCell that redirect to a
method in DSMCell named configurationForEclipsePlugin.
This configuration is the build of links between plugins.
"in your plugin" ???
In the Eclipse plugins ?
I don't understand ...
it is a method in FamixEclipsePlugin
so it is already implemented, no?
so "you" (meaning us not you :-) ) don't have to write it, no?
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