Indeed, it sounds very nice. Perhaps you can send us
some pictures
you produced with Mondrian :).
The most spectacular ones are:
which shows different clusters and the parts of the hierarchies in a
program represented by those clusters. Clusters have reasons to
cluster elements together, and those boxes outside the box with the
hierarchy represent those reasons. The bigger the reason-box, the
bigger theamount of classes it represents.
The darker the classes in the hierarchies are, the more reasons support
this class in the cluster.
If a class is green it means that a superclass as well as a subclass
are present in the cluster, but not the class itself. I call these
ghostclasses since they probably should be present in the cluster as
well, but are not clustered by the algorithms.
The white boxes in the top with yellow rays are classes not available
in the cluster, but classes which are needed for the cluster to be
usable (superclasses from which some classes in the cluster need to
The gray ray means a cluster supports a class, while a blue ray means
the whole subhierarchy is supported (a way to limit the amount of
something I am currently working on, which places clusters in the
bigger picture. This specific picture clusters classes according to
the namespace in which they were defined.
The "best" layout available for something like this appeared the
horizontalDominance, that's the reason for the funky layout.