Hi all,
so I am impatient and I could not wait for Alex’s solution to my question of yesterday. I
hacked something together that works most of the time, and now I have my scatterplot that
updates itself quite quickly ! :- ) I give the core of the code below, and then report on
a problem :-(
I have a builder instance variable, and an open and a refresh method. Open opens the first
time, and refresh refreshes the view. (I call buildDataset, which builds the right dataset
for the graph, that’s not relevant here).
builder := RTGrapher new.
builder add: self buildDataset.
builder build open
| view |
view := builder view.
view cleanAll.
builder := RTGrapher new.
builder view: view.
builder add: self buildDataset.
builder build
view signalUpdate.
And if you want this animated, just make an infinite loop that calls refresh (with a delay
in-between to not hog the CPU).
self open.
[[true] whileTrue: [self refresh. (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait]] fork
Et voila! C’est cool quoi! (Yes, I’m in France right now :-) )
There is sadly one problem: sometimes I get the red morph of death in the window :-(
AthensCairoCanvas>>setShape: sends asAthensShapeOn: to nil. It’s not immediate, but
after some time (variable) I always get it :-(. Any pointers on what it may be and how to
fix it??
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Johan Fabry -
PLEIAD lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile