I finished the first version of the new tree map builder for Roassal.
You can find the source code in my SmalltalkHub package 'DevFlow-View'!
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'RobertoMinelli' project: 'DevFlow';
package: 'DevFlow-View';
Here's an example usage:
builder := DFTreeMapBuilder new.
builder weightBlock: [ :el | el ].
builder nodes: (1 to: 50).
builder associations: (builder nodes allButFirst collect: [:each | (each // 2) -> each
"Some optional configurations parameters"
colors := Color white mix: Color blue shades: (builder nodes size).
builder colorBlock: [ :el | colors at: el ].
builder rootColor: ((Color red) alpha: 0.5).
builder inset: 5.
builder extent: 500@300.
builder origin: 10@30.
builder draw.
And the resulting tree map!
Please tell me what do you think!
The next steps are:
- Add customizable interactions
- Remove z-ordering and use proper nesting
- Eventually unroll the recursion in the layout algorithm