Hi Ricardo,
thanks for the hints and offer of help. My mockup could would be this:
| view elements e1 e2 |
view := RTView new.
elements := ((RTEllipse new size: 30; color: Color white))
elementsOn: #(one two).
view addAll: elements.
elements @ RTDraggable.
RTCircleLayout new initialRadius: 70; on: elements.
e1 := RTEdge from: elements first to: elements second.
e1 + (RTLine new color: Color black) + (RTArrow new color: Color black) @ (RTLabelled new
text: '12'; view: view).
view add: e1.
e2 := RTEdge from: elements second to: elements first.
e2 + (RTLine new color: Color black) + (RTArrow new color: Color black) @ (RTLabelled new
text: '21'; view: view).
view add: e2.
view open
On Apr 25, 2014, at 9:19 AM, Ricardo Jacas <ricardo.jacas(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Johan,
For your first question, you could change the attachPoint of the Lines, which will
automatically change the arrow to appear on the border.
As for the "arched lines", there is a class called RTDirectedLine which does
just that.
If you could provide a mockup code on what are you trying to do, I could help you
2014-04-25 9:10 GMT-03:00 Johan Fabry <jfabry(a)dcc.uchile.cl>cl>:
Hi all,
I have the following situation: a node named ‘one’ and a node named ‘two’, I want to draw
an arrow ‘onetwo' from one to two, and ‘twoone' from two to one. Nodes are
ellipses with size 30, and a label. Arrows are an edge + line + arrow + label construct.
So I get the image like below, which raises two2 questions.
First question: how can I make the arrows go to the border of the ellipse, instead of the
Second question: as a human I would draw each of the two arrows with a curve: one curving
up and one curving down so that they (and their labels) do not overlap. Can I do something
like this in Roassal? Because now readability is far from optimal.
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