Just to give you an idea of where I would like to end
up... referring to the attached [1] & [2]. I am looking to be able to generate a
first layout from data by applying a layout, but then mostly move nodes around and draw
links manually - then save and load these layouts. I imagine that similar might be useful
for software analysis wanting to intuitively arrange a few nodes to annotate together for
printing purposes - saving different zoomed in "views" of the system under
We should have a way to compose layouts. Currently, it is really primitive. Maybe
something like:
layout := ROCompositeLayout new.
layout forNodes: [ :node | node model = 'alayout' ] use: (ROGridLayout new
gapSize: 2).
layout forEdges: [ :edge | edge from model = 'Important node' ] setSpringForce:
layout defaultNodeLayout: ROTreeLayout.
nodes having 'alayout' as a model will be ordering using a grid layout.
nodes connected to 'important node' will be close to each other.
else a tree layout.
One thing I am contemplating is whether one of my
"busbar" shapes could be defined to have several regularly spaced attachpoints,
with the attachpoints themselves optionally visible - either full time or when hovering
over a shape.
Also I'd like to be able to group shapes that a layout can act on as a whole.
a layout places elements. Shapes are solely the graphical representation.
A little different from the MOFormsBuilder, it would
just be offsets relative to each other, to the point where interactively you could
multi-select nodes and "Group" them to be acted on by a layout as a whole.
What do you feel is missing in the way nodes may be grouped?
An element may contains other elements. Isn't it enough?
Alexandre Bergel