I thought that it might represent a class reference.
But if you want to represent a class reference with an FAMIXAccess, why not
change the type of the accesses attribute from FAMIXAbstractStructuralEntity
to FAMIXNamedEntity? This would fix the issue. Right?
Adi D.
Indeed this is correct. We knew this was a hack, and that is why we
tried to solve this in FAMIX 3.0.
On Jan 21, 2009, at 10:04 PM, St?phane Ducasse wrote:
> I do not remember but I guess that
> the problem is that in famix2 there is no way to express class
> references (class A refers to class B).
> so we used that because if in your code you have
> A>>foo
> ^ B zork
> Now in FAMIX30 this is different.
> You can have reference between classes.
> Doru am I correct? I'm dead this evening.
> Stef
> On Jan 20, 2009, at 11:27 PM, Adrian DOZSA wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> Playing around with the FAMIX 2 specs and the LAN model I found
>> something very strange:
>> - I found an FAMIXAccess that accesses a FAMIXClass. According to
>> the FAMIX 2 meta-model and also the annotations from Moose the
>> accesses attribute of FAMIXAccess should be of type
>> FAMIXAbstractStructuralEntity. But the FAMIXAccess instance with id
>> 71 from LAN model accesses a FAMIXClass
>> (Root::Smalltalk::LAN::LANInterface.initialize() ->
>> DependentList_class).
>> There are other examples too.
>> How were those accesses build? It is correct?
>> Thanks,
>> Adi D.