Looks good!!!!
Maybe you can add a legend. There is a builder for this. It will help understand what we
actually see. For example, Butterfly is not clear to me.
Alexandre Bergel
On Jul 30, 2014, at 5:35 AM, Leo Perard <leo.perard(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I am please to present you Telescope.
Telescope provides a system to express highly interactive software visualizations and a
rich API to express interactive, dynamic, and customized visualizations built on top of
You can find more information and tutorials here.
Telescope is almost finish (missing some tests, little features...) and now it needs your
To install Telescope
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'LeoPerard' project: 'Telescope';
package: 'ConfigurationOfTelescope';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfTelescope) load
A small example to get a tree explorer
| visualization |
visualization := TLTreeExplorer new
root: Collection;
property: #subclasses;
visualization nodeBuilder shapeBuilder: TLEllipseShapeBuilder new.
visualization nodeBuilder nodeLabel: #name position: #inside.
visualization nodeBuilder addInteraction: TLNodeBasicInteraction popup.
visualization nodeBuilder addInteraction: TLNodeBasicInteraction draggable.
visualization open
In this visualization, click on the blue circle to expand the node and the red to
collapse it.
In the class TLDemos you can find others examples to understand how it works.
Leo Perard
University of Lille 1
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