But how do I
set the link "isImplementedBy:" from a class to an
interface? Is this
by declaring a superclass?
Yes. You will have an InheritanceDefinition between the two classes.
That would look odd..
It's not really that odd. Anyway, this will change in FAMIX 3.0.
We have the following definition:
FAMIXClass>>superclass ^self anySuperclass
self superclassesDo: [ :each | ^each ]. ^nil
FAMIXClass>>superclassesDo: aBlock
outgoingInheritances do: [ :each | aBlock value: each superclass ].
outgoingInheritances do: [ :each | each superclass superclassesDo:
aBlock ].
It means that asking for the superclass of a class may return an
Alexandre Bergel