Just following up (answering my own questions).
My "playground" can be stored in a "playground.st" file and executed
the zeroconf st Command Line Handler. I didn't catch that yes, Pharo is
smalltalk == st :-).
To load an MSE file programmatically (rather than the MSE button in the
MoosePanel) I used this code (inspired by the MoosePanel code):
mooseModel := MooseModel new.
stream := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'myMSEFile.mse'.
ifNotNil: [ mooseModel importFromMSEStream: stream.
stream close ].
It's primitive (effective but not robust) to use "Transcript show:" to
generate a .CSV file, especially with output going to stdout. I also got it
to work with a Stream and even used NeoCSV.
I installed ubuntu under a VirtualBox and got everything working there.
Coming back to Windows 10, I realized now the Zeroconf commands DO work
under Windows 10 (GitBash runs the ./pharo script and CMD.exe works with
the call to pharo-vm\Pharo.exe). However, the output is sent to files
called "stdout" and/or "stderr", which I was not expecting to see
Windows 10. Working again Linux set me straight :-)
Down in the Ubuntu rabbit-hole, with the latest 64-bit Pharo and since my
work is using Roassal, I had to also install the 32-bit cairo library:
sudo apt-get install libcairo2:i386
It's not on the
http://pharo.org/gnu-linux-installation (because it's
probably Roassal?), but it seems like it could be useful to be there
(otherwise it's a cryptic message and some Googling to find the answer).
Another issue was related to the Moose 6.1 image missing the right version
of Fame-Core. The solution was to install it
https://github.com/moosetechnology/Moose/issues/1228 and save my image.
Finally, all of the visualization scripts I developed in 5.x work under
ubuntu and Windows 10 with the latest Pharo 6.1 with no changes to code
(apart from what I mentioned above).
On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 3:16 PM, Cris Fuhrman <fuhrmanator(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,
I have a playground script that will analyze the first MSE model and
produces output in a CSV file.
I would now like to be able automate this, and I think Tudor Girba gave me
a hint of using Zeroconf.
So far I have not been able to get it to work under Windows 10. The curl
command works to get the image from
get.pharo.org, curl
get.pharo.org |
However, the following attempts don't result in errors, but I don't get
any useful output either:
$ bash ./pharo Pharo.image --help
$ ./pharo Pharo.image --help
$ pharo-vm/PharoConsole.exe --headless Pharo.image --version
Does it work in Windows 10? I've tried in Git Bash and CMD.exe (the last
command, since the bash commands don't work).
C. Fuhrman