If you remove the outer border, then that may be just
what is required. Doing this layout at the element level like this seems easier, but not
so flexible as with shapes. Now for my additional benefit, how would you do that raw
Roassal. That is, by removing ROMondrianViewBuilder from the example.
Like this:
| view outter inner innerLabel |
view := ROView new.
outter := ROElement new + ROBorder white.
outter @ RODraggable.
inner := ROElement sprite.
innerLabel := ROElement labelOn: 'My sprite'.
outter add: inner; add: innerLabel.
"We make the inner and innerLabel forwarder of events"
inner forward.
innerLabel forward.
"We layout the things"
ROVerticalLineLayout on: outter elements.
view add: outter.
view open
This example has been added to ROExample as #compositeOn: (accessible from the easel
Alexandre Bergel