Comment #9 on issue 894 by benjamin...(a) Roassal revised
ROSelection and example
I'm not sure. I think I remember Alex integrating my contribution for CTRL
and SHIFT key modifiers to do the multiple selection, but there is no
record here, and its too long ago (wow! has it been that long). As far as
I know the issue of resetting the selection to empty by clicking on the
background (point 1. above) has not been addressed.
I think the multiple-selection would be a really good feature for Roassal,
however... * I haven't been very attentive to it. I plan to have it in my
application but its on the backburner until I finish a few other things.
* I think Roassal has moved on a lot since then, so I'm not sure how much
love it will need now.
So perhaps for now it should be closed again. Once I get my dissertation
submitted, I plan to move my application to latest Moose. Then this will
probably arise again, but I can open a new issue at that time once I have
something more definite and time to assist.
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