Hi Stefan in Roassal2 there is Boxplot, similar as you want.
| b createList r d today |
r := Random new.
createList := [ :size :d1 :d2 | (1 to: size) collect: [ :i | d1 + (r next *
(d2-d1))] ].
b := RTGrapher new.
today := d := Date today.
(1 to: 10) do: [ :i | | ds |
ds := RTBoxPlotDataSet new.
ds points: (createList value: 20 value: 0 value: 20).
ds model: d.
ds x: [ :date| date julianDayNumber - today julianDayNumber + 1 ].
b add: ds.
d := d next.].
b build.
^ b view.
Try to create a subclass of RTAbstractDataSet, such as RTCandlestickDataset
2015-05-23 6:54 GMT-04:00 Stefan Krecher <stefan.krecher(a)gmail.com>om>:
I just started to get into Roassal (with Pharo 4.0) with the goal to
visualize financial data like forex charts.
The common visualization is by using japanese candlesticks [1]
Because there is not predefined TRShape/ RTShape, I would need to create
those shapes on my own.
I suspect that this task can't be too complicated but because I'm that
very new to Roassal, I'm asking for some hints and maybe code examples.
The data needed to visualize one candlestick consists of a few numbers,
20150501 001300;1.120890;1.120910;1.120890;1.120900;0 (-> downloaded from
First two numbers are Date and Time, the next four Numbers are: open,
high, low, close, that last one is the volume and can be omitted.
There is a bar to describe the price movement (open/ close) and wicks that
describe the highest course and the lowest course during that time frame.
The above data describes a One-Minute-Candle.
So I'd really appreciate if anyone could give me hints or send me to the
right direciction.
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