Thanks for the feedbacks.
It is strange, but I will have a look on Thursday (eventually with you ;-))
Le 7 sept. 2015 à 16:00, Blondeau Vincent <vincent.blondeau(a)worldline.com> a écrit
I wanted to use MooseQuery to get some call graphs in a model.
I have 4720 graphs to compute, I start from a class and I want all the incoming
invocations at class level recursively.
I used the default queryAllIncomingInvocations of MooseChef and the one of MooseQuery.
It takes 1min20 with MooseChef.
With MooseQuery, it takes 5 mins to do ~500 graphs… so 50 mins to calculate everything (I
didn’t try ;) )..
Maybe some performance improvement is needed?
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