Comment #17 on issue 831 by google....(a) Rossal problem
with nested node translation to left of 0@0
Further to this, Comment 16 shows all the translations occurring to the
inner nodes. A user might reasonably expect that #position of the outer
node should not be affected - but currently this gets updated when an inner
node moves int he negative direction.
The following should be appended complete the #testDragging method
ofComment 16 ...
self assert: (outer position = 0@0).
outer attributes at: #bounds put: outer bounds.
translator translate: outer to: 50@50.
self assert: (outer position = 50@50).
self assert: (outer bounds = (outer attributes at: #bounds) moveBy:
outer elements do:
[ :el |
self assert: (el position = el attributes at: #pos).