Cc: google....(a)ben.coman.com.au
Labels: Component-Roassal
Comment #9 on issue 831 by alexandr...(a)gmail.com: Rossal problem with
nested node translation to left of 0@0
Ben, I find that the examples are a bit difficult to understand. I propose
a test method that is green in the last version of Roassal.
| view outterNode innerNode1 innerNode2 |
view := ROView new.
view @ RODraggable.
outterNode := ROElement new.
outterNode + (ROBox new extent: 50 @ 50).
innerNode1 := ROElement new.
innerNode1 + (ROBox blue extent: 10 @ 10).
innerNode2 := ROElement new.
innerNode2 + (ROBox green extent: 10 @ 10).
outterNode add: innerNode1.
outterNode add: innerNode2.
view add: outterNode.
" view open "
"Witout dragging"
self assert: innerNode1 position = (0 @ 0).
self assert: innerNode2 position = (0 @ 0).
"Dragging innerNode"
innerNode1 translateBy: -10 @ -10.
self assert: innerNode1 position = (0 @ 0).
self assert: innerNode2 position = (10 @ 10).
What do you think the position of innerNode1 and innerNode2 should be?