On 29 août 2010, at 12:54, Tudor Girba wrote:
Yes, indeed I would like to use that. It's just that I do not seem to manage to do
it. Here is what I do:
- select a category
- select refactoring scope -> package
- in the spawned package I click on the category pane and select refactoring / class
- in the bottom pane I put something like:
ORClassRegexRefactoring new
replace: '^MO(.*)$' with: 'MAlgo$1' ignoreCase: false;
But nothing happens, although I have classes that start with MO. Any ideas?
Resurrecting an "old" thread.
So if I performed this refactoring as above, the change only affects classes and
references in the package, not references made by other packages (which makes sense).
Now, how do I get OR to refactor external references without scanning the whole system? I
know through Moose in which packages there are such dependencies, but I need to include
them in the refactoring scope. Can't do multiple selection of packages in the browser,
so the only solution I found was to create my environment in a script like that:
(BrowserEnvironment new forPackageNames: { 'SmallDude-Utils'.
'Moose-Algos-Clustering'. 'Moose-Algos-LinearAlgebra'.
'Moose-Tests-Algos-LinearAlgebra' } ) open
Am I doing something wrong?