How do you do it?
Because I do not have the code of roassal at hand?
The layout needs to have all the information available:
node location
node size
window / canvas size
Now don't we need to know the level of details
Hi Mathieu,
I am back from a short break. Back to answering question, fixing bugs and addressing
issues :-)
Well... the question is the layout should really know about the camera? I like to think
that the job of a layout is to properly locate nodes. In the case that the window size
matters, then it should be provided to the layout as a parameter.
To position the layout in the middle of a window, I have just added the necessary.
view nodes: (Collection withAllSubclasses).
view edgesFrom: #superclass.
view radialTreeLayout.
view center.
Look at the implementer of #center to see how ROFocusView class>>centerView: is
On May 13, 2013, at 10:48 AM, mathieubmddehouck(a) wrote:
I was working on translating the center of the radial tree at the middle of the window
and I faced a problem.
I had already faced it when working on the ForceBasedLayout.
How does the layout access to his view to get informations ? (Basically it could be very
useful to access to the camera to have size informations...)
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Alexandre Bergel
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